Wednesday, 4 April 2007

2nd blog intro in a row

why maid in malaysia?

This idea came about during breakfast with my wife and the mother-in-law, a few days ago, whilst the topic of conversation is again about , you guess it right, i'ts about the maid whom we've send back on the 28th of Mac, the main reason being, the 'cinta agung' (the ultimate love) problem. You are well aware of the so call cinta agung problem if you've watched Puteri Gunung Ledang, the movie. You know, the story about the undying love of puteri gusti (the javanese princess) and hang tuah (the malay warrior) . Except that in this real life love story, the princess (who is apparently a maid and javanese) is already married with children falls for another warrior ( a javanese bloke who has long lived in Malaysia and even did some minor repair work at the house of the maid's employer) ( and yes, there is where the so call 'hook up' started and blossoms!). That bloke is also married, with a wife living in Malaysia and they have 2 kids. So, i guess you now know a lil bit of what this blog is to be about.
I will certainly blog a bit at length on the love story soon, but what i really intend to do is, to create a circle of informed bloggers on this common problem that we all share. I hope to create some kind of a page where i (we) can enclose all the bioadatas, pics, story mory, adoration and respects, for all the 5 maids (i think i'ts 5 not including the borrowed ones from the in law) and i sincerely hope that you all out there will contribute to this blog. Actually, i already have 2 people who wants to contribute.
So how would this benefit you, you say? This is where this blog makes perfect sense. When the ball starts rolling, this will be a page of reference just in case you've hired a runaway one or maybe unlucky enough hire a real two faced or maybe hire a really good one that is really good to you, your kids and your spouse. You can also expect this blog to indirectly give you tips on ways to (and not to) handle your maid.

Contribution in any languages are most welcome. non london language and campor also can.
I guess u can shoot out your email in the comment box, and i try to find a way to will allow you in blog and have your way with your maid. (this sounds a bit 'teruk', is it not?).

I have not have time to think about the legal repercussions of having the mugshots of people without their consent displayed in this blog. Will there be defamation suits on the way for me? think about it later, and find my way around it, when it (i hope it'll never) comes.


Puan S,
Puan dijemput untuk memberi ulasan yang sewajarnya kepada persoalan yang ditimbulkan.

1 comment:

Abriza Mohammed said...

Aku tak ada maid.. tapi aku nak post comment jugak! JANGAN DIHALANG CINTA YANG AGUNG! nanti jadi CINTA TERHALANG... lagi pening kepala!! me.. hopeless romatic.. hahaha!